Sunday, January 30, 2011

Laundry Room

Dallas and I decided that it was time to redo our laundry turned out here are some pre and  post pics.  Enjoy!!!

Anyone want to workout?

Feeding Time

Sippy Cup

Bayli Got a new sippy cup .. she wonders "how does this work?"

One handed drinker

The water in the cup is sooo good!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bayli's Hat

Sleeping Baby

Bayli is so tired in the morning that mom and dad have to wake her up to get ready to go to daycare!!!!

Big Girl

Bayli thinks she is so cool with her new toy showing off her new moves

Bayli stands well by herself as long as she is holding on to something

"Look Mom and Dad only one hand"


Do you think Bayli gets enough to eat?

Playin' in the Crib

Bayli can now pull herself up in the crib

Bayli does not want to get ready for bed

New videos

Dad making Bayli laugh

Dad and Bayli playing in her crib

Bayli can get on all 4's know...only a matter of time before she crawls!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New PJ's

Who do I look like?

I think this picture answers that question!

Aunt Brandi, Allie and Derek visit

Aunt Brandi, Allie and Derek came to visit this weekend.  Bayli was in high heaven, they brought presents, pushed her in her car and played with her on her mat, what more could a baby girl want!!!

Allie and Bayli

Bayli, Allie and Derek playing

Bayli , Max and Allie playing on the mat

Bayli wanted to eat the bow!

Allie helping Bayli open a present

Check out Bayli's new kitchen

Aunt Brandi is helping Bayli figure it all out

Derek is making sure she didn't forget to show Bayli anything

The Blizzard

New Addition

If you look really close you can see that Bayli got her 2nd tooth!!  She is getting close to needing an appointment with Kenzie to get them cleaned! ;)

Bayli Got Mail

Grandma Gin and Grandpa Clyde sent Bayli this cool new bib in the mail for Chrismas, as you can see she put it right to work!