Saturday, February 26, 2011

New Addition... the Laundry Room..Thanks Aunt Betty and Uncle Jeff!!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bayli and the dogs

The dogs are eating breakfast and Bayli is trying to help

Baby in the nude

Mom and Dad could not catch Bayli quick enough to get her diper on after her bath...she went right to playing

How does this thing work?

Bayli Loves her Activity Table

Happy Valentines Day!

Mom put a pony in Bayli's hair this morning...she was not impressed

Bayli got valentine mail from her Grandma Gin and Grandpa Clyde...Thank you!

V-Day cookie decorating at "school"

We start with frosting and a cookie...

and then devour the cookie because it is SOOOO good

I seemed to have misplaced part of my cookie, has anyone seen it?

Oh man that was good, I could use a nap now!

Learning Dad's ways early

Bayli is just drivin her car with a gal of chocolate milk...

And she stops to take a swig...she truly is her father's child!

Cousin Kelsey came to visit and play.... Bayli had a great time showing her all of her new tricks!

Anyone need a hair dresser

Bayli's hair is starting to get long enough to put pretties in it...

Bayli likes to help Mom get them in her hair...

AKA eating the comb

Goin for a walk?!?!?

Such a big girl standing behind her walker

This is FUN!!!

Dad is sure funny!

Hummm, wonder what I all need to get while I am out and about?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Misc Bayli Pics

Chopper is always looking for a hand out


Bayli has become such a good slepper that we often times have to wake her up in the morning, when we try to wake her up she often times tries to ignore us and she turns her head...once again Bayli proves to be a lot like her father!!

Tax Time

Mom and Dad think tax time is much more fun now that Bayli is here!!!

Uncle Jeffey

Bayli thinks Uncle Jeff has a very comfy shoulder


Bayli Pics


Bayli likes to feed herself these days...such a big girl

And this is what happens when mean mom takes away Bayli's Spoon